Posted on 8th October 2019 by Trudy Dickson

You’re nervous, the first day of work is always tough - but don’t be! The business you are going to needs you. They are probably overloaded and just the sight of you will be a welcome relief. Temping can be a highly satisfying and a rewarding job option.
There are many reasons why people choose to temp
- Flexibility to choose your work hours and roles
- To provide supplementary income
- It’s work that’s available in between permanent roles
- To gain experience in another industry or role
- To work until they decide on their next career move
- To develop or improve on some work skills
- For the opportunity of a permanent role
Companies use temps for a range of reasons and the roles vary in length from one day, to several weeks. Temping can often be a quick way to secure some work and you can pick up great new skills. You can use temping to work around scheduled holidays or study commitments. We’ve seen some people use temp work to supplement their income while they are trying to turn a hobby into a business. Temping can open doors for you by increasing your experience and expanding your networks and companies sometimes convert casuals to permanent staff. Here are some commonly asked questions about temping;
If I’m a temp, do I have to give notice?
Casual employees are not required to give notice, and neither is the employer. It’s important to carefully consider any role before accepting it though, as leaving a role before it’s due to finish could potentially leave an organisation in a difficult situation.
What should I get paid?
You should be paid the published Award hourly rate as a minimum and this will include a casual loading that makes up for not accruing annual and sick leave entitlements. If you have some years of experience, or you work in an area where there’s a skills shortage you can earn more than these minimum rates. You should be advised of a pay rate before you accept a role so you can make sure you are happy with it.
Should I list temp roles on my resume?
Being a temp requires you to be flexible, adaptable, reliable and demonstrates that you have a willingness to learn. These are great qualities you can highlight to a potential employer when you are applying for other roles. Listing your temp roles can also mean you won’t have unexplained gaps in work history in a resume.
What should I do if I get offered a permanent role when I am temping?
Be up front with your Agency about seeking a permanent role before you accept a temp assignment, so they can be upfront with the organisation you will be working with. Most organisations are happy to support your success, but (although you are not required to) it’s very well received if you advise your new employer that you would prefer to give some notice in your current temp role. Your new employer might respect your commitment and professionalism. Speak to you Agency about what would be a good notice period for your role before you start it, so everyone is on the same page.
Working with an Agency
There are a couple of things you can do to help secure temp roles. Develop a good working relationship with your Recruiter and help them understand your work preferences. Temp work is short term so consider being flexible with the type roles you will accept. Keep your Recruiter updated on your experience if things change. Be reliable, professional and helpful - there won’t be a better advocate for you than your Recruiter, and if you are these things, you will be the first person they call for the next job.
Temping as a Career
Some people love the flexibility and variety of temping so much they make a career out of it. They usually love learning and get to experience different organisations and pick up new skills. They are courageous enough to work in new organisations all the time and often help organisations in difficult times – we take our hat off to these Temp Heros!